Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Valentine's Day Pillow Fight

I'm planning a huge Valentine's Day pillow fight on campus and I hope it will go well and that we get some great turnout. We'll see. I'm in the planning stage of it right now, but I'm already very excited because I think it is going to turn out well. I made a website for it (a blog actually, but who cares) and an event on facebook. I just need my brother to finish designing the poster so I can plaster it up around campus and get people excited about this. If it works It will be Awesome. Here is the website. I'll let you know how it goes. This was a great solution to the possibility of being alone again on valentines day, because there is really no way to top last years valentines day, but I can do something huge and different so it can be just as fun only in different ways. I have to thank my brother for the idea though.

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